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What Should Never Go Down Your Drain? (Spoiler: It's More Than You Think!)

You might think you already know what not to put down your drain, but we’re here to tell you that 99% of homeowners don’t know all the items on this list! From "flushable" wet wipes to kitchen staples like coffee grounds, many common household items can cause costly clogs.

Take a few minutes to read this article and avoid making these common mistakes—you could save yourself hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars in future repairs.

Key Takeaways

  • Avoid flushing items labeled as “flushable”, like kitty litter and wet wipes—these products don’t break down properly and can cause serious clogs.
  • Liquid drain cleaners may seem like a quick fix, but they can corrode your pipes and lead to long-term damage.
  • Common kitchen items like coffee grounds, rice, pasta, and eggshells should never be put down the sink, as they can expand, clump, and cause blockages.

Now, let’s break down each of these “no-nos” and why they’re so harmful to your plumbing system.

No-No #1: “Flushable” Kitty Litter

While most people know not to flush kitty litter down the toilet, many are fooled by brands that market their litter as “flushable.” But here’s the truth: flushable kitty litter is not safe for your plumbing or the water supply.

When flushed, kitty litter can cause serious clogs, as it doesn’t break down like other waste. Even worse, it can harbor bacteria that aren’t killed during water treatment, leading to potential contamination. So, despite what the box says, avoid flushing kitty litter—flushable or not!

No-No #2: “Flushable” Wet Wipes

The rise in wet wipe use during the pandemic led to more people flushing them down the toilet. But don’t be fooled by the “flushable” label. Wet wipes don’t break down the way toilet paper does, which means they can easily get stuck in your pipes, often at a bend or turn in the plumbing.

Once one wipe gets stuck, others will follow, leading to a big, messy clog. There have even been lawsuits against wet wipe companies for misleading consumers with claims that their products are flushable. Save yourself the trouble and toss those wipes in the trash instead.

No-No #3: Liquid Drain Cleaner

If you’ve ever used liquid drain cleaner to fix a clog, you might want to think twice before doing it again. While it may seem like a quick fix, these harsh chemicals can corrode your pipes, whether they’re made of copper or PVC. Drain cleaner can even damage the porcelain in your toilet, leading to costly repairs.

And here’s another surprising fact: even pouring boiling water down your sink or toilet can warp PVC pipes if the water becomes trapped by a clog. Instead of risking damage, give us a call at Parker & Sons for professional help.

No-No #4: Various Foods

We’ve all been guilty of putting food down the drain, but certain foods are notorious for causing blockages. Here are some common offenders you should never put down the sink:

  • Coffee grounds: They form clumps and can easily clog pipes.
  • Rice or pasta: These expand in water, even after being cooked, leading to blockages.
  • Flour: Mix flour with water, and you get glue—that’s exactly what happens when it goes down your drain.
  • Eggshells: They stick to other debris in your pipes and don’t break down.
  • Raw meat: The fat from raw meat doesn’t dissolve and can create a mess in your pipes.
  • Fibrous foods: Foods like celery are tough for your sink to “chew” and can tangle up in the drain, causing clogs.

Avoid putting these items down the drain, and you’ll drastically reduce your chances of a plumbing issue.

Contact an Expert for Help

While avoiding these common mistakes can help keep your drains clear, clogs can still happen. If you’re dealing with slow drainage or a complete blockage, give Parker & Sons a call.  We’re here to help you avoid costly repairs and keep your plumbing in top shape!

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